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Shama Ibrahim Work


There are many trends in 2021. one of the prominent trends in animation and motion graphics. Animation is visually appealing, which is a process of making films by drawings or puppets appear to make them move. A sample way is the character's movement. There are different styles on the animation trend in 2021, but I will take about Three that I like the most. The first style is Morphing and Liquid motion. The morphing and liquid motion we can see nowadays on the website animation—this animation help to lead the audience's eyes to the object because it moves from frame to frame. This type of animation gives a sense of calmness and serenity feeling. Also, it needs a lengthier timeline than other animation styles because it builds with sequins frames.














The second style is Thin Lines Animation. Line art and animation have become trendy nowadays with different shapes and forms. The line animation guides the viewer's eye through your content and makes up the objects' actual shapes on screen. The line motion makes it look elegant and more cohesive. We can see this style mostly in line art blogs or websites.

















The third style is 3D animation. Under the 3D animation topic, there are some categories. One is using mix and match between the 3D and the 2D animation. We can see it more nowadays on the website and brands campaigns, as you can see in the video below. They used the 3D part on the object and the 2D on the background. The 3D and 2D animation style makes the video special because it allows the element to pop out from other elements—also, it draws attention around the frame as required.















Two are the 3D and texture. We can see the 3D and texture on the short videos nowadays, like short storytelling videos and logos videos. As you can see in the video below, they used this technique to make the object look realistic. Using texture and 3D makes the elements stand out much more than 2D because they add realism even to the most strange designs.


















Finally is the 3D animation. The 3D animation is not a new animation trend, but it started in 2020 and continued to 2021 trends. It's regularly developing, and designers and creatives are yet to overwhelm us by using new techniques. As you can see in the video below, they used 3D animation to show the application and features. That is the magical adventure of 3D animation.

















The last style for the animation trend in 2021 is Vertical Animated Ads. The vertical animated style has become popular nowadays because people use their phones most of the time, so it's great to make an animation that fits the phone screen. According to Sheelagh Doyle's research." One study found that more than 75% of video viewing is mobile and that smartphone users hold their phones vertically about 94% of the time"(14 ). Most of the social media applications use the vertical display mood. For example, Instagram uses stories to show Ads and animation videos.  As you can see in the videos below, they used the Vertical Animated style to create the video or the Ads.

example 2 for 1.gif
disney-liquid-morphing-motion-animation-vmg-studios (1).gif
example 1 for 2d and 3d.gif
example 1 for 2.gif

Visual Research


Pinterest video

Pinterest video

Pinterest video

Pinterest video


1. (2020, January 29). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

2. (2020, May 11). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

3. (2021, March 22). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

4. (2021, July 06). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

5. Animation definition and meaning: Collins English Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

6. Animation Trends and Predictions 2021 - Popping and Intriguing. (2021, October 22). Retrieved from

7. BLVCKMXTR. (2021, March 26). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

8. By. (n.d.). Top 16 Animation Trends In 2021. Retrieved from

9. DanaHere we talk about the most amazing and popular web animation and motion graphics trends that will catch your eye in the nearest future…. (2021, October 01). 2021 Animation & Motion Graphics Trends. Retrieved from

10. Emerging Motion Graphics Trends in 2021: Matter Blog. (2021, June 16). Retrieved from

11. Fennessey, R. (n.d.). 2021 Animation & Motion Graphics Trends. Retrieved from

12. Girishsolanki20. (2021, January 16). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

13. Goaheadtips, P. B. (2021, February 28). Motion Design Trends 2021 : Here we have considered the top seven most prominent trends in animation and motion design. Retrieved from

14. More Than 75% of Worldwide Video Viewing is Mobile. (n.d.). Retrieved from

15. Murkybucket (murkybucket) - Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved from

16. Premiumbeat. (2018, February 09). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

17. The best email client for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Android. (n.d.). Retrieved from 


For my sketches, I did three animations video sketches for our poster. In each sketch, I used a different trend style of 2021 animation trend from the style of the typography, line art, and background animations style. And I started to develop each of them. 

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Designing process 

To animate the poster. I used After Effects to make my poster animation because it is easy to work with and has a lot of options to use. I used my favorite trends for 2021 in typography, art line, and others. I did three sketches. In each sketch, I used different styles and techniques. I chose sketch 2 to work with because I like it the most, but I included the styles that I like on the other sketches too. 

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

After selecting sketch 2, I made some changes to the animation, like adding some music, adding a second title to the animation, and changing the color to red. 

Final Animation video 

On the final Animation, I wanted to add music to make it look dramatic and give the feeling of change. This way will help us share our message and get people's attention that something is happening. I added two types of music: romantic music and a sound effect of cutting a paper to give the feeling of cutting in a surgery. 

Mock Up Final video 



On this project, I learned many techniques to create my animation video. First, I learned how to use the animation trend to create my video. For example, the line art animation. I didn't know how to animate the lines to fit the trend, so I researched how to animate it, and I found out it is very trendy nowadays. Also, I didn't know how to animate my text to fit the trend, so from my research, I tried some styles that can work on my poster animation, and I tried it on my three sketches. I learned all the things from the Youtube tutorial. 


























My design development. At first, I tried to search more about the trend to develop my animation skills and see what type or style of animation is trendy nowadays. Then, I sketched 3 sample sketches and tried to improve them by adding what I learned to my research journey. I wanted to create in each sketch for my poster animation something special. I used some styles to create that unique element. For example, in one sketch, I used the glow effect on top of the line art to make it pop. On the second sketch, I used the line art from outside the poster, drawing the face. In the last sketch, I use the opacity effect to give the element a pop effect that comes out suddenly. But in the end, I had to select the second sketch to work with because I like it all more, and it fit the trend more. And to make it more interesting, I added some music and sound effect to the animation.  


























Sketch 1                                                                    Sketch 2                                                                    Sketch 3


The new techniques that I used to create my animation video were one is line art animation. It was a new technique for me, I didn't use it before, and I like how it looks on the video. I learned this technique for a youtube tutorial. The sound new techniques are animating the text by using the stroke and the fill. I saw many trend animation videos use it, but I didn't know how to make it. So I found a youtube tutorial teaching beginners how to do it, and I find it exciting and fun to work with. Also, I like how it Balance all the elements on the animation video. 















I enjoy working on this project because it teaches me a lot about animation trends and how to create animation videos with sample techniques. 

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PDF Document 

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